Alexis Parada

Alexis Parada                                                                                                         12/1/16                      

                      I am thankful for my family.The most important thing is my family. First, the reason why my family as important to me is that my family is because they make men food, wash my clothes,buy my clothes other important things. Another reason why my family are important to me is that they buy me video games or clothes if it was my birthday or going shopping while sometimes. The next important thing in my life is my life is my brother and my sister. my brother Brandon and my sister Kayla are important to me because they are my siblings and i don't want any thing to happen to them. The equally important thing my mom and my dad and my friends. Everyday my mom and dad take good care of me and my sister like buying us food to eat and my friends we play games, protect each other, and other that friends do. In conclusion the most important thing the whole wide is everyone and including my family and my friends.

        Alexis Parada                                                                                 1/23/17                                                                

                      When I was little I did terrible things. At Eagle Elementary School it was my first day going there. I meet the principle, my teacher, other teachers, a other kids that want to the school.When it was my first day at eagle I was a little nervous to meet my teacher and meet other kids. 

       I  meet my teacher and the students in class. I was nice at first but than I became a bully. I remember I punched, kicked, and did other bad things to kids. Sometimes I even got things like a stick to hurt them. The teachers got mad at me when I did terrible things to other kids and sometimes teachers. One time I said mean things to the teacher and kids and then I got suspended. Sometimes when I got in trouble at school at school my mom and dad got a belt and hit me with it. I remember when it was music class we were learning how to play a xylophone. (The teacher said that a student could help another student if they are having trouble to play a xylophone.When she said that maybe I needed help. The problem was I didn't want help. These girl came and she said "you need help" I have simply refused but instead I hurt her. Later I suffered the consequences. I never apologize to the girl but if I did I will be embarrassed and people think was nice was kind of nice will a little bit. It has been for 10 years and now I feel terrible about what I did to her.

         The lesson I learn is that if you bully someone, people think your a horrible person and think you will bully them so the advise I'm giving is that if you bullied someone in the past, the present, or future they will bully you back will tell that the reason they did that to is that you bullied them and they were so mad at you they did the same thing to. So they not to not bully any one even if you want to bully someone.


             What goes around comes around my advice for bullies is try not to hurt or say horrible thing like "your a idiot, your stupid", and other horrible thing you could suffer the consequences

        Alexis Parada                                                          5/4/17          
                           How to behave in Saxton Middle
                                School and other school

               To behave in school is pretty easy but some student's think its hard to behave in school but it's not. First, how to behave in the classrooms. Don't talk when someone is talking because if you really did talk when someone else was talking you will get in trouble because that's rude and disrespectful. Always be nice to your teachers even if there are nice to you or mean to Still you need to be respectful and show respect to the teacher because if your nice to them they will treat you the same way. In schools some students don't pay attention in class but that's a huge problems because if you don't pay attention to the teacher in class and talks about important things like quiz , tests , homework , or even talking about the final testing ,  new subjects , and all that stuff the teacher is talking about and you are talking when she is talking  you my friend are get in trouble. In many schools they have a rule for students that said is do not use phones in classrooms and other pleases in schools because you can get in trouble. Bullying is one the biggest problems in schools, maybe homes ,  and other places because many people killed them self  from bullying. So I think we should stop bullying and so no more bullying. In schools few students are always behave in schools some don't behave in school and that's a problem because they can get in a huge trouble because if your doing something awful to some one front of the teacher or the teacher is not looking they can get suspended ,  expelled ,  or go to the principal and your family comes to school to talk about what the heck there kid were doing in school. Not many students help teachers if need help like if the teacher need a student bring a paper to the office and the classroom or help them fix the computers, be in charge when the teacher goes to teacher. In school they have rule about ever year don't disobey your teacher but some do. If you disobey to your to your teacher you can get a huge problem try not be mean to your teacher. In middle school you could join in clubs. Clubs are a thing you can stay the afternoon in school and a club for example homework club, homework club is a great club because the teacher can help you do your homework but you don't have to go but is helpful because you won't have any homework to do at home. But in the club you must be kind to the teacher or even a student or your friend to help you do homework and be terrible person to the people helping. Another club that I now is book club. In book club you have to sit in a chair, a desk, or other places to sit to read the book, but you need to sit some where near the teaher                                                              


  1. Alexis, this is good but you have a lot of words that do not belong. Maybe we can edit together. Can you stay on Wednesday after school?
