Allan Roy

     I am thankful for a lot of things this is my list of what is most special to me.  First,I care for my family so much they are very special to me.  They are always looking out for me  when I am sad or hurt they are always going to be there for me.  My grandma ,mom,dad,and even my sister if anything were to happen to them I would be heartbroken we had some times when we were mad at each other but we still love each other.Second,home is important to without it were will we sleep or eat or even genjoy family time.  Without a roof to live under I would be out in the cold and I should be thankful because many people don't have a place to call home.   Finally health is important for many reasons without it we would be sick to are stomachs.  Many kids have all types of diseases that are pain full and deadly.  In conclusion we all care for many things which bring us happiness

                 My sister and me were excited about Christmas I mean me and her were only kids so we still believed in santa so we hoped he would bring us alot of presents. We waited until the big day happend and I don't know why but my mom was spending alot of time in the basement but it didn't really cross my mind since Christmas was a few days away and me and my little sister  were so excited.
                   It started on december 23 2014 ,I was sleeping in my room nervous because Christmas was only two days away . I got a little thirsty so i got up from bed and headed to the  kitchen . As I was pouring clear water into my glass I heard wraping paper and the most loudest crinckleing noise ever. I ignored it and made my way to my room but the noises got louder so I got closer and it was coming from the basement I knew someone must be down there. I walked down the stairs quietly i saw my mom wrapping presents knew she would never forgive me if I saw what she was getting me so I turned away. Just as I was going to head upstairs I realized I woulden't be bad to take a peek so I kept on looking. So while I was looking I was remembering what I had on my christmas list and        every toy she wrapped was on my christmas list. There was still one more presant so I went for a closer look but I stumbled on the step and my foot made the most loudest tapping noise ever in my mind I am loud as a elephant and in reality im as quiet as a cat. My mom quickly looked over her shoulder luckily I ran upstairs without a peep and went to bed I hoped my mom didnt find out. On     christmas day my mom stared at me tenderly and I knew I would never d it again because if she acutally caught me it would be the last christmas i would ever see. I know she knows that I saw my present and its praboly  the reason I only got on present for my birthday *sigh but for anyone who tries to do this just remeber what your puting on the line your presents looks like I learned my lesson for now !the end


ART art is something we all love to do wether its drawing painting pottering or spray painting there are a whole veritey of art styles lets go through them one by one


  1. Great job, Allan! You could use some more punctuation but the SIM format is flawless! :) Mrs. Dowd

  2. Allan, you didn't finish your informational piece.
