
               Some things that I am thankful for are food,cloths,family.  First I am thankful for my family.  am thankful for my family because they help with school and other stuff.  some stuff that my family do for me are buying things.  another thing I am thankful for is my food.  I am thankful for food because it is good for my health.  A third reason, I'm thankful is my cloths.  I am thankful for my cloths because it prevents me to get sick from the weather.  In conclusion  I am  thankful for several things.    


              Have you ever wanted a new pack of gum? one day I went to a cvs near my house 2 years ago with my brother that is 20 years old and I was 12 years old. And I saw a new pack of gum that is called 5 gum and it was black and blue but I had no money.                                                                           First, I went to the store and I had 10 dollars. With the 10 dollars I bought chips and a soda also a pack of pencils and some other things at the store. Later, while we were walking through the store I saw some cool  items and then I saw a new pack of gum and it cost 1.25 and I only 25 cents left.  Next, My brother and I to the cashier and started paying our things. When my brother was paying I saw the new pack gum and on the cover of it said new.                                                                                      Finally, I took the gum I felt great about taking the gum and it smelled and tasted good. Also, I wouldn't try it again because I don't feel like getting trouble. One advice I would give to others if they stole something from the store is not to look nervous walking out of the store.


           There are several ways how to go to sleep.  Most important, some things you need you are a bed and pillow and blankets. Pillow and blankets can help you be comfortable. You can also use a bed or a couch and make sure you have nothing to do such as homework. Also important, your going to need more things to go to sleep. You're going to need a glass of milk or water and maybe a pair of headphones. Your going need an phone or a type of eletronic that has music. You might need a tv. Equally important, There are things you need to do like wear something comfortable. To get tired you can watch something boring on the televsion or you can make your self tired by doing type of a excersie. If  you want to make your room dark you can close the shades on your window or put something over it. Equally important, when you are going to sleep you can sleep anytime of the day like during night is a good time because it is dark. Make sure it is quiet time and no one is around. The best time to go to sleep is when you come from school or your job. In conclusion there are several ways to go to sleep. 

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