
Melissa Gonzalez

    Family, friends and food is what I'm thankful to have in my life. First, I'm thankful for having a family in my life because without them Im nothing. They're are the most important people in my life even though they may be a pain in the butt but I still love them. Second, I'm also thankful for my friends that didn't left my life. My friends are the only people that understands me and loves me for who I am. They're the only people I trust well besides my family. Lastly, I'm thankful for the food thats in this world. Food is my life, it fills up my stomach and its good!! well some. Without food I wouldn't be alive. I have many favorite types of fast food restaurants which is Mcdonalds, Tacobell, Subway and other fast food restaurants that have good food. In conclusion, those are the reasons why I'm thankful to have those things in my life.

     One day, I was walking home from school, I was on the phone waiting for my mom to answer and I was going to ask her if she was going to pick me up. Some boys from school came up to me and asked if I would like to go to 711 with them. Meanwhile, my mom answered the phone. I was thinking about going. I aid to myself "Well why not". I forgot my mom was on the phone. I told her that I was going to stay after school for a club I joined. She didn't know I was lying. After that I went with the boys to 711. I was scared at first because I had a feeling that I was going to get caught. Then I calmed myself saying that everything is going to be okay. When we got to the store, the boys decided to go to the dollar tree instead. We all went. When we got in the store, there were these boys that came also. I kind of felt weird because I was the only girl there. They weren't quite strangers. We walked around the store looking for things to buy. We had a problem. We didn't have any money. I had an idea. My idea was to ask people for a quarter but some were very generous and gave us a dollar . We were obnoxiously loud. We were almost about to get kicked out but gladly we didn't.We bought one bag of cheese puffs and a gallon of orange soda. When we left, we were behind 711 eating. It was kind of boring but then something excited happen. One of the boys was drinking out of the soda bottle. His mouth was full then he like spit it out. He made a huge spill on the ground. We all decided to eat the food somewhere and that was behind Chuck-e-cheese. I was getting worried because I kept thinking what if we get caught by a security guard but we didn't. We finished the bag and walked back to school because it was almost 4 and the buses leave leave around 4:10. I was talking to one of the guys and all of the sudden, a random car honked at us and it was my aunt. My heart started to race. I called her to let her know that I just wanted to walk and to not tell my mom and she said "Okay, I won't". We g back to school and the bell rang and I went outside again to wait for my mom because she was going to pick me up. Good thing I didn't get caught. It was fun to be honest and I would like that to happen again.

                                                                THE END 

      New York City is a place where there is almost good food, stores/places, entertainment and transportation. To begin with, the food in the city. The food in the city isn't really nice. I mean the food from food carts and food trucks are disgusting. Some carts and trucks, not all. They sometimes don't make the order right. Some food trucks are really small, its like a human size box. Not enough space, only one or two people there and again not enough space. Struggling to get through the door, walk, get the things they need. Moving on, the food carts. It isn't bad like the food trucks. There's a lot of space and only one person there. Some food start to get bad cause some carts are near construction works and smoke gets on the food and it's horrible. Next thing, the entertainment. Some entertainment in the city can be street performance, concerts, museums, etc. I find street performance more fun because people dance do amazing things. For example, a guy with his guitar playing and singing a song and there would be people walking pass him. Some people stand in front of him pretending to be the audience, clapping and cheering after he's done. He would have his guitar case or a hat on the floor so people can give him some change. Another example I think that is also fun is street dancing. You'd see a group of boys, girls or both moving around while they have music on doing amazing tricks such as flips, other flips I don't even know what they're called. There's a bunch of people around them. Gasping, different expressions like how they feel about it. A last example of an entertainment in the city is the concerts. Mostly concerts that are performed in New York is taken in the city, never in the suburbs I think. Concerts can be dangerous because something bad can happen like someone brings a gun and shoots it in the air. Some people can get lost easily by where they're going and get hurt by the people that are surrounding the person. They fall, pushed,get hit or punched if they did something to them by accident etc. Its fun in some ways because you get to see your favorite celebrity or group like bands such as pierce the veil. Performing, listening to them play your favorite songs. Maybe get called to get on stage, do a meet and greet, get their merchandise and autographs. The last thing is the transportation. The transportation in the city is too busy. People getting into subways, buses, and taxis heading to work or a place they want or need to go.  


  1. Great job, Melissa! You could edit a little more, but overall, nice job!
    Mrs. Dowd

  2. Melissa, I also feel lost when I am in a crowded place.

  3. i feel the same way when you are going to a crowed place and not now any body and do not know what to do or ask for help i feel u

    1. Melisssa,please write in compete sentences.

  4. i feel the same way when you are going to a crowed place and not now any body and do not know what to do or ask for help i feel u

  5. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
