Cheryl Marca

There so many things I'm thankful for. first, I'm thankful for my family because they work so hard for food and money to pay for rent. Also they are so funny and I love them.We have so much fun together. Next, I'm thankful for my friends because  they are funny and nice and if I didn't  have them I don't know  what I'll do. also, they are there for me when i need them in the good times and bad. third, I'm thankful for food because if i didn't have food i wouldn't be  alive Also food is so good. Those are the three things I'm thankful for.

    I was getting out of school. It was during finals exams. I use to go to school at South Ocean. There was a lot of places we liked going. S.Ocean Middle school is right near patchogue village . At the time I was in 6th grade. 

     My friends asked me if I wanted to go eat pizza. i said ''let me ask my mom''. I knew she would say no so i said ''can i go to the Library to study''. She said ''i want u home at by 12''
    She told my phone away for a mouth. It was the longest time ever. I wouldn't do it again because i dont want my phone to get taking away.  I dont like lying to my mom. It was fun hanging out with friends but it was a bad thing to lie.

    Dogs are a lot of work. You have to take care of them. Specifically, you have to take them out for walks and take them baths. Teach them to use the bathroom outside. You have too feed them there are different types of food like dry and wet foods. More specifically, they need there exercise so u have to walk them. If they do number 2 u need to pick it up. if u don't then other dogs will think its food and eat it and they are going to get sick. you have to take them a bath if u don't they are going to smell bad. other example is that they love to play my dog when i come home she's waiting for me at the door and she has a toy in her mouth. she is always is sleeping she loves to sleep and eat and play. her name is bella. she's like my best friend but dog are fun they keep u off ur phone well thats what my dog does. in conclousin, these are the resons's 


  1. I'm glad that you are so appreciative. Please edit for your grammar rules. Thank you, Mrs. Dowd
