Pablo Guaraca

                                 I'am thankful for my family, friends, education, my health, and clothes
       First of all, I'am thankful for my family because they are always there for me. My family is there for me when am sick and when I need help with something. My family is there when I need them that's why am thankful for them. Second of all, I'm thankful for my education. Am thankful for my education because some kid's don't even go to school and don't have a education. Finally, I'm thankful for my health. I'm thankful for my health because some people don't have a good health some people are at the hospital with very poor health. In conlusion, I'm thankful for all I have in life and am thankful for everything that I have. Because if I didn't have a family I would not be okay and am thankful for everything I have in life.


                  There is many things about soccer that you have to know like skills, strategies and drills, the rules, and equipments. In soccer you need to know about skills because all soccer players have skills so they know how to control the ball, pass the ball, how to dribble the ball, and shooting the ball so then you can be a really good soccer player. First of all, soccer players have skills thats why they are really good at soccer. But soccer players also need strategies like team formations, the positions they play, dribbling speed, and juggling makes them a really good soccer player.Soccer players always follow the rules and sometimes soccer players do mistakes when there is a games the rules are that you can't use there hands, can't hit anybody, need the right equipments, and play fair soccer players follow all the rules. soccer players have to follow the rules so they don't get yellow or red cards because if you get a yellow card that means you have one more chance to do the right things in soccer but if you do it again and get another yellow card then that means you get a red card and when you get a red card you have to leave the soccer game and you can't play for two or three games. Also to be a soccer player you need the right equipments like soccer shoes, a soccer ball, shin guards, and water, without those soccer players are really not a pro-soccer players thats why you need all the equipments.In conclusion, this is all what is about soccer and to become a soccer player, and to know about soccer.

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